Introduce The Propeller Saver System

Introduce The Propeller Saver System-exhobbyrc.

We know that the propellers in the spare parts of the aircraft will collide when the aircraft is flying due to improper use, and if there is a collision, there will be damage. After the collision of our general conventional propellers, when the blades are stuck to foreign objects, it will cause internal damage. Excessive current leads to short circuit of internal electronic parts.

After EXHOBBY discovered this problem, it actively made improvements and produced a very previous part  "Prop Saver".It include the Prop Saver Shaft Adaptor,Prop Saver Shaft Upper Part, Propeller,Screw and spinner. After many tests, this part was put out for use and used in our EXHOBBY 761 series aircraft in. The German World War II BF-109 mentioned in the last few blogs is used for this shedding paddle, which is easy to install and more durable.   

prop saverProp saver

The Part Of The Prop Saver

Prop Saver Shaft Adaptor

Prop Saver Shaft Adaptor

Propeller and Prop Saver Shaft Upper Part

prop saver


Prop Saver

After installation


If you are interested this product you can click here.:)

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