How to start the new hobby

How to start the new hobby

The single most defining moment in determining anyone's initial success or failure when starting out in the RC aircraft hobby is discovering which proper tools and aircraft give you the best chances for success, sooner rather than later.



The hobby is littered with gruesome tales of horror and shame as shiny new airplanes turn into flying bits of foam and/or plastic from an epic crash due to newcomers choosing aircraft far above their skill level.  Luckily, we are here to help you avoid that dark and scary path.  As a company entirely comprised of seasoned RC pilots, our passion is not just to sell fantastic RC aircraft product, but to keep our customers happy by offering advice to help those who are new to the hobby.



What is the Best Type of Airplane To Learn To Fly?

The very best airplane to learn how to fly with is a high-wing trainer.  The reason is because a high wing aircraft is inherently more stable than a low wing aircraft, they tend to fly slower as well.  Stable and slow are good attributes when first learning how to fly.  Often times, trainers simply have elevator (pitch or up/down) and rudder (yaw or side-to-side) control which are all you need in the beginning to fly.  Eventually you can add ailerons (roll or wing left/right bank) to your skill set.  

We offer a wide selection of various trainers to get you started.  Some are Ready To Fly (RTF) which simply means the plane includes a transmitter, battery and charger to get you in the air right out of the box.

To view our selection of beginner and trainer planes,go there.

We have some recommended hot models here. We think the 

VOLANTEXRC Trainstar Mini Beginner Airplane or the VOLANTEXRC RC Glider Ranger 400 are great starters. 

VOLANTEXRC Trainstar Mini Beginner Airplane:


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