5 No-wrong-choice Beginner Airplanes by VolantexRC

5 No-wrong-choice Beginner Airplanes by VolantexRC

5 No-wrong-choice Beginner Airplanes by VolantexRC

Worry about getting a RC airplane that you can't fly well? Check out the 5 VolantexRC airplanes that are designed specially for beginners, but devided in different skill levels.

· Barely have no skill or knowledge of controlling RC airplanes

If you have no time, or not feel like understanding all complicated knowledges before you can really fly a RC airplane, well, a 2-channel park flyer could be a safe start. The Sport Cub S2 is a good choice for nearly zero-skill beginners. The flight control stabilizer supports to fly and learn in the air. The dual motors provide enough power to fly in a park, and with affordable price.

- Overview -

What's good: Simple control, slow flight, affordable price

Wingspan: 40cm

Channels: 2 (throttle, steering by motor differential)

Easy to Control: ★★★

Stunt Performance: ★

Durability: ★★

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· Have learnt how to fly, finding an easy-controlling beginner plane 

So, you have taken lessons and understand how it works to fly a RC plane. But just with few times of practice, you still need one that is easy to control, and not worry to crash.

For more safety, the Ranger 600 glider is recommended. Constructed with XPILOT stabilizer system, With 3-channel control to enter hobby class practice, rear-pushing propeller to keep it safe, and gentle gliding performance to make the flight simple and relaxing.

- Overview -

What's good: XPILOT system, safe structure, affordable price

Wingspan: 60cm

Channels: 3 (throttle, rudder, elevator)

Easy to Control: ★★

Stunt Performance: ★★

Durability: ★★★★

ranger, ranger 600, glider, RC glider, rc plane

For classic practice, a 3-channel trainer is the no wrong choice. The Sport Cub with 40cm wingspan is a great fit in park flight. Not just with the XPILOT system to provide stable flight, it also comes with the patented prop saver structure to provide very safe protection to the plane and other property during crash.

- Overview -

What's good: XPILOT system, propeller saver, light trainer

Wingspan: 40cm

Channels: 3 (throttle, rudder, elevator)

Easy to Control: ★★

Stunt Performance: ★★★

Durability: ★★

rc trainer, sport cub, rc plane, park flyer, xpilot,

· Got enough practice, moving to next level

Looks like you are ready to take more challenge, thus a 4-channel RC plane is a must-flying choice. In this catogory, there are many fancy planes to select, based on how really good your flight skill have reached to.

If you are not so sure about your flight skill, well, a slightly bigger but still easy-to-fly trainer is more recommended at this level. With 4-channel control, you will find the Sport Cub is much more fun than other 2 to 3 channels trainers.

- Overview -

What's good: XPILOT system, propeller saver, 4-channel pro trainer

Wingspan: 50cm

Channels: 4 (throttle, rudder, elevator, aileron)

Easy to Control: 

Stunt Performance: ★★★★

Durability: ★★

sport cub s2, cub, rc trainer, rc plane, rc airplane, park flyer, mico plane

Getting bored to fly trainers? Well, check out the micro warbirds which will certainly bring more entertainment in the air. Depends what scale plane you like, there is a wide selection of famous WWII warbirds. To get started, a P51-D is always the no wrong choice. It is classic, it is able to fly stunt plays, it is also easy to fly with XPILOT system.

- Overview -

What's good: XPILOT system, propeller saver, stunt performance

Wingspan: 40cm

Channels: 4 (throttle, rudder, elevator, aileron)

Easy to Control: 

Stunt Performance: ★★★★★

Durability: ★★


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